Exciting times are on the horizon for Nintendo Switch Online subscribers who enjoy classic gaming! On November 25, Nintendo surprised fans by adding Donkey Kong Land 2 to their growing collection of Game Boy titles available to play. This addition came just a mere four days after the first installment, Donkey Kong Land, made its debut on the Nintendo Switch Online Game Boy app.
For those who might remember, Donkey Kong Land 2 first hit the shelves in 1996, a collaborative effort by Nintendo and Rare. This sequel stayed true to its roots, drawing inspiration from the iconic SNES title, Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Kong Quest. Players step into the shoes of both Diddy Kong and Dixie Kong, navigating through a total of 40 exciting levels. The goal? Free Donkey Kong from the infamous Kaptain K. Rool, who’s holding him captive until a hefty banana hoard ransom is delivered.
Nintendo didn’t keep fans waiting long to unveil this nostalgic treat. Almost exactly a week after Donkey Kong Land became available on the app, the company announced the sequel’s release through a short yet thrilling 44-second trailer on social media. This sneak peek highlighted Diddy’s swift cartwheels and Dixie’s unique ability to glide using her ponytail, demonstrating how both characters tackle the challenges at each level. Players also have the flexibility to enjoy the game with various visual filters designed to mimic the classic Game Boy, Game Boy Pocket, or Game Boy Color experiences. To dive into this adventure, all that’s required is an internet connection for a seamless update to the Game Boy app.
If for any reason the app doesn’t automatically update, players can manually do so by navigating to the Options menu and selecting Software Update, followed by Update via Internet. Once the update finishes, the system will make sure you have an active Nintendo Switch Online subscription before granting you access. This release is part of a trio of Donkey Kong Land games, leaving fans eager to see if Donkey Kong Land 3 will eventually join the lineup.
This addition certainly complements what’s already been an eventful period for Donkey Kong enthusiasts. Anticipation builds with the December opening of the Donkey Kong Country expansion at Super Nintendo Land in Japan, plus the January arrival of Donkey Kong Country Returns HD. With so much to be excited about, it’s a great time to be a fan of everyone’s favorite tie-wearing ape.