Tango Gameworks, the renowned Japanese developer, is currently exploring the possibility of creating a sequel to their 2023 hit, Hi-Fi Rush. Although nothing is set in stone, there’s definitely some buzz around the idea.
In a recent chat with IGN, the studio’s head, Colin Mack, mentioned that they are giving serious thought to the follow-up, but he stopped short of confirming anything concrete. “We are considering a sequel positively,” Mack shared with IGN. “However, it’s too early to say specifically, ‘This is what we’re going to do.’”
Adding to the conversation, Hi-Fi Rush’s director, John Johanas, noted that the team holds a special place in their hearts for the game. “Many of our staff have a lot of love for Hi-Fi Rush,” Johanas explained. “So we feel like we have options. We’re currently pondering over several exciting opportunities.”
On another note, project manager Kazuaki Egashira emphasized that what makes Tango unique is its constant pursuit of fresh and innovative experiences. “While Hi-Fi Rush emerged as a popular new IP, sticking to the same formula forever could lead to it becoming outdated,” Egashira remarked.
Tango Gameworks is all about embracing new challenges, and Egashira hopes to continue fostering an environment where developers are front and center without losing their passion for gaming innovation.