Voice Love On Air, crafted by Game Source Entertainment and Softstar Entertainment, introduces a fresh Boys’ Love (BL) visual novel experience on the Nintendo Switch. In our review, we dive into what makes this game intriguing.
At the heart of Voice Love On Air, you step into the shoes of Aki, the male protagonist, navigating the world of voice directing and radio drama production, with the potential of romance with one of the charming suitors you encounter. The game uniquely combines elements of a BL romance with a management simulation, a theme that supports its title quite fittingly.
As Aki, your mission extends beyond personal affairs. You’re in charge of managing the recording sessions for BL dramas. The choice of voice actors and the direction of their performances allow you to craft distinctly different final dramas, which enhances the replay value of the game. Given its narrative focus, expect Japanese voice acting supported by English text. Your effort here is crucial as crafting successful dramas keeps your studio financially afloat amidst debts.
For those unfamiliar with visual novels, these games are primarily story-driven, varying in length and complexity. Some offer a linear experience, while others present key decision points that guide the narrative path and shape interactions with characters. Voice Love On Air is no exception, featuring voice acting and four potential love interests for Aki to explore romantic connections with.
In the game’s narrative, you are thrust into the role of a voice director by circumstance, possessing a keen ear for discerning true emotion behind words—a skill is particularly useful as you work to repay a hefty studio debt of $200,000 per season. Securing your space in the recording industry is far from cheap.
The Project Manager app becomes your strategic hub, offering a rundown of all project details requiring attention. Strengthening Aki’s skills is necessary to qualify for gigs, but fatigue can hamper your efficiency, so pacing is key. Aki’s growth covers Recognition, Profession, Communication, and Performance, with the option to boost these stats through online classes or through careful planning of recording sessions.
The recording process itself is segmented into four stages: Check Details, Appoint, Table Read, and Record, each spanning five consecutive work days. Hitting the requirements allows you to proceed, but with deadlines looming, failing to meet them might spell financial ruin. Thoroughly reviewing each project’s synopsis, contract, and script equips you to manage expectations and meet deadlines.
With each drama, diverse outcomes await, depending largely on the chosen talent and your directional choices. This allows for varied experiences every time you play, enriching Voice Love On Air’s replayability. The game’s narrative spans a significant word count and includes a variety of songs, CG scenes, and dramas, all set over a two-year game timeline, giving plenty of room for romance and professional development.
Voice Love On Air on the Nintendo Switch blends Boys’ Love with management tasks, as Aki juggles romance and the demands of voice directing. Players can invest in items to boost stats, manage fatigue, and even purchase gifts for the game’s romantic interests. The game is available for $29.99.
Please note that this review of Voice Love On Air is based on a Nintendo Switch copy provided by Game Source Entertainment, as we ponder whether love truly blossoms in your new profession.