Somnium, a startup hailing from the Czech Republic, initially made waves with its social virtual reality platform, Somnium Space. But back in late 2021, they turned heads by announcing the Somnium VR1 headset, teaming up with VRgineers. The latter is renowned for their high-end XTAL headsets tailored for enterprise use, so this partnership was sure to spark interest. The Somnium VR1 originally boasted the potential to be a hybrid headset, featuring standalone capabilities thanks to an onboard Snapdragon XR2 chipset. However, by 2022, Somnium shifted gears, deciding to dedicate their focus solely on creating a PC VR headset.
The VR1 sports the same impressive 2880×2880 QD-LCD panels equipped with Mini-LED technology that you’ll find in the Pimax Crystal. These displays are nothing short of spectacular, offering a 20,000:1 contrast ratio through local dimming, covering 100% of the NTSC color gamut, and supporting a range of refresh rates – 72Hz, 90Hz, and 120Hz, with an “experimental” option for 144Hz if you’re feeling adventurous. At 210 nits of brightness, it effectively emits about twice as much light to your eyes compared to both the Meta Quest 3 and the Apple Vision Pro.
What truly sets the VR1 apart are its robust dual-element aspheric lenses, which Somnium claims provide an impressive field of view: approximately 130 degrees horizontally and 105 degrees vertically. Currently, no other VR headset on the market can match these specs. While the Pimax “5K” and “8K” once offered a wider view, they had their issues with noticeable peripheral distortion and are no longer available.
Focusing on an expansive field of view explains why the Somnium VR1 maintains a chunkier profile, especially in a market trending towards sleeker, pancake lens designs. It’s a bold choice, but one that might just pay off for those who crave a truly immersive experience.