Being Jon Lindemann is a unique state of existence, forever intertwined with the essence of Jon Lindemann himself.
This week, we delved into our highly anticipated Top Five Games of 2024. If you’re new to the traditions set by RFN, let me fill you in: there aren’t any hard-and-fast rules. Basically, any game from 2024 that you played on a Nintendo system can be considered. But even this isn’t set in stone. Ideally, it should be a game you experienced in 2024. However, there have been rare occasions where we’ve included games outside that timeframe—those were special exceptions, of course.
With guidelines as relaxed as these, trying to form a unified Top Five list would be an exercise in futility, so we each make our own personal selections.
Naturally, there are some common picks. Interestingly, two of the lists share the same game in the coveted #1 spot. Trust me, you won’t see this coming. Inevitably, someone will claim they predicted it, but I have my doubts about the honesty of such claims.
Feel free to whisper your digital confessions into our virtual ears.
A quick nod to those behind the scenes: this episode’s editing was masterfully handled by Guillaume Veillette. The “Men of Leisure” theme song is a creation by Perry Burkum, crafted just for Radio Free Nintendo. You can catch more of his work on his SoundCloud. The distinctive Radio Free Nintendo logo is the work of Connor Strickland—check out his latest endeavors on his website.
We wrapped up this episode with “Chasing After Dad” from Another Code Recollection, thanks to a request from A.G. All music rights are owned by Nintendo Co., Ltd.