Bandai Namco Entertainment has just rolled out an update for Freedom Wars Remastered on the Nintendo Switch. This brings the game to version 1.4.0 and tackles several issues that players have been experiencing.
Anyone diving into multiplayer will appreciate fixes like resolving unresponsiveness in the Multiplayer Lobby and addressing the pesky screen freezing problem during Private Room matches. They’ve also sorted out the strange occurrence of enemy characters dropping items they shouldn’t have and put a stop to certain operations unintentionally repeating themselves.
Freedom Wars Remastered can now be picked up globally through the Nintendo eShop.
Freedom Wars Remastered Update Version 1.4.0 Patch Notes
Here’s a closer look at what’s been patched:
Bug Fixes
Multiplayer Lobby Unresponsiveness: Now, if a player sets their status to READY and someone joins before deployment, the game won’t freeze up on them.
Private Room Screen Freeze: Hosts can breathe easy knowing that canceling the matching process won’t lead to a game screen freeze for their guests.
Operation Start Circle Glitch: Players interacting with the same Contribution Start Circle no longer face issues setting their status to "READY."
Unexpected Enemy Drops: Enemies have stopped dropping loot they shouldn’t, keeping the gameplay fair.
Reinforcements in Contribution Missions: Enjoy smoother missions with enemy reinforcements showing up as expected.
Solitary Confinement Scene Bug: With Natalia’s sentence addition, the screen darkening issue that halted progression is fixed.
Repeat Operations: Special operations won’t keep popping up after completion, preventing unintended repeats.
Augmentation Cost Limits: Gone are the days of equipping augmentations beyond your cost limit—they’ll auto-unequip now.
Visibility of "Great Criminal" Icon: Everyone in your game can now see the "great criminal" icon clearly.
City-State and Rankings Glitch: Switching panopticons updates city-state statuses and ranking info without a hitch.
- Ally Character Behavior Fix: Allies will now behave normally while carrying citizens.
In addition, numerous other bugs have been addressed.
Specification Adjustments/Changes
Minimum Purity Willonite GDPP Value: The corresponding item’s GDPP value has undergone a change.
Thorn Gauge in Revival: Reviving by approaching a character no longer eats into your Thorn Gauge—shooting thorns from afar will still consume it, though.
Obstacle Collision When Carrying Citizens: Reduced staggering if you bump into something with a citizen in tow.
Heavy Melee Weapon Hitbox: The attack hitbox now aligns with the attack’s visual display for Mimas and Caliburn type weapons.
- Thorn Connection Power Attack: Trigger a chargeable normal attack rather than a special unchargeable one, while performing a power attack during Thorn Connection now cancels Thorn Connection for all.
Post-contribution periods are more interactive with chat now available before the results screen appears. Adjustments have also been made to Dionaea’s "Dragon Beam" attack hitbox, and equipped items on the Modular Synthesis Screen sport a handy [E] mark for easy identification.
Improvements are ongoing:
Japanese Input for Character Names: Look forward to inputting names in Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji.
Mutated Weapons Critical Multiplier: They’ll tweak the unintended multiplier issue.
Defensive Booster Issue: Expect a fix so effects properly reflect in damage displays.
Health Augmentation Bug: Health enhancements will soon work correctly.
Audio Balance Adjustments: In-game voices will be clearer in certain situations.
- Crash and Freeze Fixes: Get ready for smoother gameplay as they tackle those tricky stability issues.
Expect more bug fixes and adjustments in the near future as Bandai Namco continues to polish this title.