About a year back, I embarked on writing episodes for 3rd Party 64, diving into the various Army Men games that hit the Nintendo 64. Interestingly, during this period, The Video Game History Foundation unveiled a Christmas-themed commercial for Army Men: Sarge’s Heroes, one of the games I was delving into.
This sparked a conversation with Frank Cifaldi, the director at VGHF, about a fascinating collection they had recently acquired from Michael Mendheim, the creative director behind the Sarge’s Heroes series. By the time we wrapped up that chat, I found myself with a treasure trove of documents detailing the development of the Army Men series. Suddenly, my project had grown in scope. Fast forward to late summer 2024, and Frank extended an invitation for me to join an episode of The Video Game History Hour. We were set to have a conversation with Mendheim himself, providing even more depth and insight into his games.
This episode of 3rd Party 64 features snippets from that insightful interview, alongside detailed research drawn from the documents that The Video Game History Foundation shared with me. The Foundation’s invaluable work made it possible for me to cover these games with the depth they deserved.
But hold on, there’s more to uncover!
As I delved deeper, it quickly became clear that I was unearthing far more about Army Men: Sarge’s Heroes than could reasonably fit into the main video. So, we decided to create a second video, highlighting what I considered the nine most fascinating, previously undocumented facts that emerged from this research. You can check out this video on The Video Game History Foundation’s YouTube channel.
If you appreciate the incredible work that The Video Game History Foundation is doing, think about supporting them with a donation here.