A creative Pokemon enthusiast has reimagined the renowned The Creation of Adam, originally painted by Michelangelo, with a delightful Pokemon twist. This artistic rendition captures a moment of creation involving Mew, depicted as coming to life through the universe’s creator, Arceus.
In the world of Pokemon, many have long held the belief that Mew, first introduced in Pokemon Red and Blue, was the progenitor of all other Pokemon due to its comprehensive DNA. However, later in the series, it’s Arceus who is unveiled as the architect of the Pokemon universe. Inspired by these two pivotal figures, the artist has skillfully intertwined them into a recreation of Michelangelo’s masterpiece.
The piece, known as The Creation of Mew, has been shared by artist and Reddit user Cordio04. It cleverly mirrors the original with Arceus extending its front leg to meet Mew’s tail as it drifts through the cosmos. This charming touch not only nods to Mew’s whimsical floating nature but also serves as an homage to Arceus’ role as the creator. By drawing inspiration from such a legendary artwork, this rendition beautifully ties together the grandeur of the Pokemon lore with the majesty of Renaissance art.
However, Cordio04’s work remains a work in progress. Aiming to expand this imaginative project, the artist intends to introduce the Lake Guardian Trio, fittingly because these entities were creations of Arceus. Some fans have suggested adding silhouettes of the Mythic and Legendary Pokemon to Arceus’ Life Plates, although there’s a concern that it might become too cluttered. Cordio04 is considering a more subtle homage by possibly recoloring the plates. Another idea thrown into the ring includes incorporating the Creation Trio, which the artist is also contemplating.
As the debate over the inaugural Pokemon continues among fans — some argue for Bulbasaur, owing to its position as the first in the original Pokedex, while others favor Rhydon, the first to be designed — Cordio04’s tribute stands as a witty and endearing homage to the series. Watching how the artist evolves this artwork promises to be just as intriguing as the lore of the Pokemon universe itself.