Since Christmas Eve, Ayaneo has been busy unveiling more details about the highly anticipated Ayaneo 3 handheld console. The biggest announcement so far has been the introduction of swappable control modules. This feature offers unprecedented levels of customization for handheld gaming. While similar modular designs have appeared in controllers like the Victrix Pro BFG, seeing this innovation in handheld consoles—complete with durable hall-effect sensors in the analog sticks and triggers—is truly exciting.
Ayaneo has been actively sharing glimpses of the Ayaneo 3 through Tweets and Discord posts. They even released a video showcasing different angles of the device and its control modules. Back in November, we discovered that the Ayaneo 3 would be available in Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 and Ryzen 7 8840U configurations. However, specific details regarding pricing and additional tech specs are still under wraps, with more information likely to be revealed at the official launch event anticipated in late January 2025.
One of the standout features of the Ayaneo 3 is the ability to not only swap control modules but also invert them, and even fully switch out individual buttons. This hyper-customizable design ensures the device is versatile enough for any game genre that uses a controller. For fans of six-button fighting games like Street Fighter or retro Sega console titles, the six-face-button module is likely to be a hit. Meanwhile, modules with a touchpad are well-suited for more desktop-oriented gaming sessions, especially when paired with Steam Input.
Without knowledge of pricing, it’s tough to say if the Ayaneo 3 will be a worthwhile investment. Still, the initial impressions suggest remarkable flexibility and potentially budget-friendly options. Users might consider a configuration with the Ryzen 7 8840U and a 7-inch LCD instead of an OLED display, though whether this trade-off is worthwhile depends on the eventual price. The Ayaneo 3 aims to stand out in the crowded market of high-end handheld devices expected next year, thanks to its unique focus on modular, customizable controls.