Ayaneo has made an exciting entrance into the handheld gaming scene with the launch of their Ayaneo Pocket DMG on IndieGogo. This GameBoy-esque device features the robust Qualcomm Snapdragon G3X Gen 2 chip and boasts an alluring OLED display. Early backers can snag the entry-level model, which comes with 8GB of RAM and 128GB of storage, for a wallet-friendly $339. For those looking for a bit more oomph, the top-tier model with 16GB RAM and a generous 512GB storage is set at $499, and there’s even a nostalgic “Retro Color” Limited Edition offered at $589 for early supporters.
It’s reassuring to see that, at these price points, the Snapdragon chip offers plenty of power for premium mobile gaming. It’s more than capable of running titles like Genshin Impact smoothly at 60 frames per second. Moreover, it can handle game console emulation flawlessly up to the GameCube and PlayStation 2 era, even when rendering at higher internal resolutions. However, if you’re not pairing it with an existing PC, Valve’s Steam Deck might remain the more versatile and affordable option for a broader gaming selection.
Diving into the details, the Ayaneo Pocket DMG impresses with a feature-rich build. It comes equipped with hidden trigger buttons nestled between traditional shoulder buttons, optional motion controls, and a right-side touchpad—offering a comprehensive control array perfect for many modern gaming experiences, including PC-to-device streaming. Plus, the compact hall-effect analog stick is engineered to resist the dreaded drift over time, which is a nice touch.
While some could argue that an OLED screen is extravagant for the 3.92-inch size of the Pocket DMG, it’s worth noting that high-end alternatives like the Analogue Pocket are also pushing the envelope with high-quality displays, although they opt for a sharp 1440p LCD instead. In contrast, the Ayaneo features a vibrant 1,240 x 1,080 resolution OLED with an impressive 104% NTSC color spectrum at up to 450 nits of brightness. The result? A beautifully vivid screen with low latency, making it a perfect companion for retro gaming, even though it won’t rival the Steam Deck OLED for AAA game performance.
When it comes to emulation and Android games, the Ayaneo Pocket DMG seems poised to hold its ground as a strong contender despite its compact form. The higher-end models with 12GB and 16GB of RAM might seem a bit excessive, given it isn’t a PC per se, yet they stand ready to meet the hefty demands posed by today’s ambitious mobile games and emulation tasks. For those keen on maximizing value, the entry-level version combined with an expandable SD card presents an appealing choice.
In terms of connectivity, the device supports USB 3.2 Gen 2 through a Type-C port, allowing up to 10 Gigabits of data transfer, alongside Wi-Fi 7 and Bluetooth 5.3. While its wired connection capabilities might not generate much buzz, they suffice for transferring smaller games and files. The support for Wi-Fi 7, reaching speeds up to 30 Gigabits per second, is especially beneficial for functions like Steam Remote Play.
It’s essential to remember that backing a crowdfunding campaign is no guarantee of a finished product. Engaging in such ventures resembles making an investment—you’re betting on the project’s success rather than simply purchasing a ready-made item.