Back in July, the much-anticipated “Attack on Titan VR: Unbreakable” made its debut in Early Access on the Quest platform. Initially, players were greeted with just a single chapter and a handful of blades to unlock. Fans were eager for more, as the creators at UNIVRS had hinted at a steady rollout of content in the months to follow. Fast forward to now, and they’ve delivered on that promise with the release of the ‘Complete Edition,’ expanding the game to include four chapters.
Our first encounter with the game felt very much like a tech demo. Even though it showcased a solid snapshot of the core gameplay, it was limited to just one chapter alongside an endless wave mode complemented by a necessary scoreboard function.
With the Complete Edition now out, players have the opportunity to dive back into the action, progressing through chapters three and four, experiencing the Epilogue, and facing off against a formidable Armored Titan boss.
Excitingly, the game now also offers a co-op mode, allowing you to tackle all the chapters with a friend, adding a new layer of enjoyment and strategy to the mix.
As a parting tease, UNIVRS has announced a ‘Thunder Spear Unlock Event’ set for January, described as a “global challenge.” Looking ahead, fans can also anticipate a free update scheduled for 2025, as detailed on the game’s webpage.
Initially, when we first got hands-on with the game, we described its release as a bit “rough.” Yet, despite that, it seems to have struck a chord with its fanbase. Currently, “Attack on Titan VR: Unbreakable” boasts an impressive 4.5 out of 5-star user rating on the Horizon Store.
For those who jumped in early with the Early Access version, Part 2 is available as a complimentary download. Newcomers, however, have a few options: purchase Part 1 for $8, Part 2 for $12 (noting that acquiring Part 1 is necessary), or grab the bundle of both for $20. The game is compatible with Quest 2, Quest 3/S, and Quest Pro, ensuring a wide range of players can join the fight.