Disney’s “Strange World” is an absolute gem that somehow flew under the radar, despite being one of the studio’s most captivating films. This adventure movie brilliantly weaves the classic Disney theme of generational tension through the story of the Clade family, which spans three generations. Each member has their own vision of what their family should be, and as the grandfather, father, and son grapple with their personal beliefs, the film masterfully showcases some of Disney’s most breathtaking animation—though sadly, not enough people got to see it in theaters.
Drawing inspiration from adventure classics like Indiana Jones, “Strange World” also seamlessly integrates environmental themes within a visually stunning alien universe. The world in the movie is a feast for the eyes, brimming with magnificent, otherworldly landscapes, vibrant characters—both human and not—and an array of fascinatingly peculiar creatures. It’s a place where the bizarre becomes the norm, yet the family’s internal struggles are deeply relatable and human. It’s their journey to uncharted territories that forces them to confront truths they might have overlooked.
Unfortunately, Disney did not give this film the promotional push it deserved, resulting in one of the most significant box office disappointments. However, if you have access to Disney+, do yourself a favor and stream this movie. It’s an absolute triumph, and it’s truly heartbreaking that it didn’t receive the recognition it deserved.